Buddy Jobz's Job Alerts service allows you to get latest job alerts with the jobs as per your matching criteria. Set up Job title and save your searches to ensure you get the best jobs first, delivered by email or straight to your Buddy Jobz account.
Get the latest jobs as per your matching criteria. Our alerts are easy to review on all devices, including desktop, mobile, laptops, tablets and email.
Stay ahead and be the first to apply to jobs on Buddy Jobz. You can apply in seconds with our unique and professional process.
It will take less than one minute to create a Job Alert on Buddy Jobz. You can manage your alerts easily at any time and ensure you find the right jobs.
Create multiple alerts to receive the jobs you want and option to pause the alerts temporarily or permanently as per your desire.
Select multiple job titles and location and get one job alerts to keep an eye on different locations, job titles instead of opening multiple emails.
You don’t need register yourself to get the latest job alerts from Buddy Job’z job board. Option to unsubscribe yourself with one click.